Articles by Grist staff
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Fusing over Fusion
After years of discouraging setbacks, specialists in hydrogen fusion research are banding together to revive the effort to harness energy from thermonuclear fusion. Believers say fusion energy could become a reality in the mid-21st century. Next month, scientists and engineers from around the world will convene in Snowmass, Colo., at a first-of-a-kind meeting of fusion […]
Oil's Well in California
A battle is brewing over oil drilling off the coast of California, and the controversy is likely to become an issue in the 2000 presidential race. Federal officials are expected this month to give oil companies permission to develop 40 offshore oil leases. California Gov. Gray Davis (D), California Sens. Barbara Boxer (D) and Dianne […]
Supreme Court A-Noise Enviros
The Supreme Court today refused to hear a case from environmental groups that want the feds to act more quickly to reduce noise in the Grand Canyon from sightseeing planes. The Federal Aviation Administration is developing rules that would control air traffic over the park and reduce noise by 2008, but seven enviro groups had […]
Royal Flushed over Frankenfoods
Britain’s Prince Charles has bucked the royal tradition of political neutrality by loudly voicing his opposition to genetically modified crops, pitting him against Prime Minister Tony Blair. Charles, a committed organic farmer, wrote an article for the widely circulated Daily Mail posing “10 unanswered questions” about the safety, ethics, and effectiveness of gene-modification technology. Opinion […]