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  • No Truth in Advertising

    The Better Business Bureau is going after the nuclear power industry for running ads that the bureau says “have a strong potential to mislead customers.” The Nuclear Energy Institute, a trade association, has been paying for ads in national magazines and the New York Times that tout nuclear as the “clean air energy” and claim […]

  • Kawasaki Lets the Good Times Roll

    The Japanese government settled a 17-year legal battle yesterday with 500 citizens who have been made sick by air pollution. The plantiffs, who live along highways in Kawasaki, an industrial city just south of Tokyo, filed suit claiming that they suffered from asthma and other ailments caused by exhaust from passing cars and trucks. Last […]

  • Go Blow It on the Mountain

    A rider that would allow a mining company to blow a 900-foot hole in a mountain in Washington state and dump mining waste on federal land has so far remained attached to a large spending bill to fund the war in Kosovo. Sen. Slade Gorton (R-Wash.) authored the rider after the feds denied a permit […]

  • Organic Farmers Cross over Pollination

    Pollen from genetically engineered plants can travel significant distances and contaminate other crops, according to a report commissioned by the British government and leaked to the public this week. The report asserts that 1 percent of organic plants in any field could become genetically modified hybrids through cross-pollination, and it argues that “acceptable” levels of […]