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  • Cloak, Dagger, and Turtle

    A shroud of secrecy surrounds information about the northern bog turtle, a threatened species that makes its home in meadows from Massachusetts to Maryland, prime suburb territory. Its presence has delayed road and water projects in Maryland, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. Michael Klemens, who is developing a federal plan to save the species, thinks it […]

  • Electric Cars Run Out of Gas

    Honda has pulled the plug on its production of electric vehicles, becoming the first major automaker to admit that the battery-powered cars aren’t making inroads with consumers. Honda plans to focus on other alternative-fuel technologies, such as fuel cells, and some industry watchers speculate that the company’s move may indicate that it has another zero-emissions […]

  • Flipper Flip-Flop

    The Clinton administration today is expected to give tuna processors and canners the go-ahead to label their products “dolphin-safe” even if they use large, encircling nets that can snare and kill dolphins. That fishing method was once thought to have killed 100,000 dolphins a year and spurred a 1990 import ban on tuna caught by […]

  • Swedish Chef, Dutch Oven Cook Up Controversy

    The European Union is struggling to pull together a common climate change strategy ahead of the next round of international talks on the issue to be held in Bonn in June. The European Union’s German presidency plans to call a special meeting of EU environment ministers on May 18 to hammer out an agreement. The […]