Articles by Grist staff
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Chinese Have Dim Summary of Environment
Environmental protection now tops the list of public worries among China’s city-dwellers, according to a survey by China Social Survey Centre. About 66 percent of 785 urban residents questioned expressed concern about air and water pollution and soil erosion.
Crossing Swords Over Fish
The feds clamped down on overfishing in Atlantic and Gulf waters yesterday, announcing tough new restrictions on fishing for sharks, tuna, marlin, sailfish, spearfish, and other species. The plan, drawn up over the course of two years by the National Marine Fisheries Service, also makes an unprecedented month-long closure of some bluefin tuna fisheries off […]
Giving New Meaning to National "Park"
Grand Canyon National Park is planning the dramatic step of banning most of the 1.5 million cars and buses that make their way through the park each year. As of 2002, visitors will be asked to leave their vehicles outside the park entrance and ride a light rail public transit system into the park.
Plop, Plop, Fizz, Fizz — What a Weird Idea This Is
Researchers are planning an experiment this year to pipe liquid carbon dioxide into the Pacific Ocean at a depth of at least 1,000 feet to find out whether the ocean could serve as a massive storage bin for CO2, a greenhouse gas. Scientists say that putting the CO2 under high pressure as a liquid could […]