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  • Waste Hot, Want Not

    Nuclear refuse from the Rocky Flats nuclear weapons plant near Denver needs a home. It’s not radioactive enough to gain entrance to the newly opened Waste Isolation Pilot Plant in New Mexico, yet it’s too radioactive for other disposal spots. Rocky Flats is scheduled to be razed by 2006, and its waste cannot be stored […]

  • It's to Die for

    The United Arab Emirates is considering instituting the death penalty for those who deliberately pollute the environment. Many sea captains secretly discharge oil into the sea around the country, wreaking havoc on fragile ecosystems.

  • Yellowstone, Gray Water, Brown Air

    A crumbling sewage system at Yellowstone National Park is dumping wastewater into Yellowstone Lake, and traffic and air pollution have beset Grand Canyon National Park, according to the National Parks and Conservation Association. The group released a list of the 10 most endangered national parks yesterday, highlighting an array of problems in the park system. […]

  • Smelly Smelter Smitten

    The air quality in Cairo should get a big boost now that Egypt’s largest lead smelting company has agreed to abandon its Cairo facilities for a new factory with modern emissions controls outside the city. The smelters at the current factory spew between 40 and 60 percent of the lead pollution in the area. The […]