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  • A Warm Welcome to Generation Y

    College students are getting riled up over climate change, pressuring their schools to divest of financial holdings in companies considered responsible for global warming. Student governments and investment advisory committees at Stanford, Harvard, and the University of Washington recently passed resolutions calling for an end to university investments in companies making up the Global Climate […]

  • Warm Globally, Wet Locally

    In other climate change news, a new federal study has found that the U.S. has gotten markedly wetter during the last third of a century, and while the rest of the world is getting warmer, the continental U.S. seems to have actually gotten a touch cooler since 1966.

  • Goodbye, Iron Curtain. Hello, Uranium Dump.

    Russian and U.S. officials are expressing interest in a deal with a private U.S. company that wants store foreign nuclear power-plant waste in Russia. The company’s plan is to raise about $6 billion in storage fees from Taiwan, Korea, and other nations, primarily in Asia, that have spent nuclear fuel but nowhere to store it. […]

  • Read My Lips: Lots More Salmon

    Environmental groups are banding together with taxpayer advocates to argue that removing four dams on the Snake River not only would make sense for salmon but could save taxpayers billions of dollars. The enviros are trying to turn a Northwest issue into a national issue and wrest power from political leaders in the region who […]