Articles by Holly Richmond
Holly Richmond ( writes and edits things for fun and money. Please follow her on Twitter because that is the entire basis of her self-esteem.
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The Prozac in your pee makes fish anxious and aggressive
Fish are getting antisocial and even homicidal because antidepressants in our pee -- and improperly treated waste water -- are interfering with their brain development.
Scary-funny parody site Kochify the News simulates a Koch-owned media
Ever wonder what a Koch-owned L.A. Times would look like? Hint: Jerry Brown is renamed Governor Moonbeam.
This is what your supermarket would look like if all the bees died off
Whole Foods did a little experiment and pulled all produce pollinated by bees. The resulting photo is crazy.
The internet has some advice for you on recycling old clothes
Today in "proof that crowdsourcing works," Jezebel commenters clearly know WAY more about clothing recycling than one of the site's authors.