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Articles by Jason D Scorse

Jason Scorse, Ph.D., is Associate Professor and Chair of the International Environmental Policy Program at the Monterey Institute of International Studies. His book What Environmentalists Need to Know About Economics is available at Amazon.

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  • OK, maybe not really

    Well, not really. But as this article points out, we are probably only going to get one solid shot to do this right, and a half-measure that could survive a Bush veto would make people believe we had done something serious when we hadn't. This is why the 2008 election is going to be sooo important. The Democrats should vote for a serious measure, have it vetoed or filibustered, and get the public ready for when a new administration takes over.

  • There’s a coalition waiting

    Not trying to play into stereotype, but my guess is that most people on Grist aren't regular readers of National Review. I am. And the Weekly Standard, Commentary, Cato Unbound, Reason, and many other right-leaning publications. I often disagree with what they say, but as I tell my students, understanding those you disagree with is more important than understanding those whose opinions you share.

    Also, every so often you come across an article like this, and you realize that sound environmental policy shouldn't be a left-right issue. The things most damaging to the environment are actually anti-market distortions such as subsidies and the incorrect pricing of polluting activities.

    If environmentalists can develop a strong grasp of these fundamental economic principles they will realize that there is a huge potential bipartisan coalition just waiting to be formed that will make huge strides and can accomplish most of their goals.

  • How do you choose yours?

    I had nightmares after reading Nicolas Kristof's gruesome description of the Guinea worm -- a two-foot worm that eats through people and pops out of their bodies in the most unpleasant places -- in his editorial on Jimmy Carter's work to eradicate the disease. Beside the sleepless night, the article helped to solidify two things for me.

  • Mine Your Own Business

    Check out this video from "Mine Your Own Business" and let me know if you think it's a joke or not. And then, whether you think there is even a grain of truth in it. That's what I am interested in. Video below the fold.