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Articles by Jeff Biggers

Jeff Biggers is the American Book Award-winning author of Reckoning at Eagle Creek: The Secret Legacy of Coal in the Heartland (The Nation/Basic Books). His website is:

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  • Live at Coal River — mass arrests against mountaintop removal

    James Hansen getting arrested on June 23 at an anti-mountaintop-removal protest.Antrim Caskey Note: This blog will be updated during the day, with dispatches, video and photos being filed by Stephanie Pistello.) “When I get to the other side, I shall tell God Almighty about West Virginia!” — Mother Jones UPDATE: “The Sword of Damocles hangs […]

  • Will media and nation bear witness to coalfield tragedy this week?

    A historic reckoning is taking place on Coal River in West Virginia this week-and in Washington, DC on Thursday. On June 25th, U.S. Senator Benjamin L. Cardin (D-MD), Chairman of the Senate Environment and Public Works Water and Wildlife Subcommittee, will hold the first bipartisan hearing in a generation to address the impact of mountaintop […]

  • Daring protesters target mountaintop-removal sites

    Four daring protestors accomplished something today that no high ranking member in the Obama administration involved in the recent mountaintop removal mining policy decisions has ever bothered to do: These four American patriots made an actual visit to a mountaintop removal site. They also went beyond the call of duty. Scaling a towering 20-story dragline […]

  • Coalfield residents respond to Obama’s announcement on mountaintop removal

    In the wake of last month’s approval of 42 of 48 mountaintop removal and mining permits as “environmentally responsible,” the EPA, Department of Interior and Council on Environmental Quality today announced “unprecedented steps to reduce environmental impacts of mountaintop coal mining.” Not mountaintop removal, mind you. In the accompanying press release, EPA Administrator Lisa P. […]