Articles by Jennifer Prediger
Jennifer Prediger is a writer and producer who channels Umbra Fisk for Grist in the world of online video. She recently joined a CSA and is learning how to live with less take-out.
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A new documentary about the real wealth of nations — happiness
Money can’t make you happy, they say. Maybe a new kind of economy can?What if GDP stood for Great Domestic Pleasantness? How about an economy whose success is not determined by growth for growth’s sake? A new documentary, The Economics of Happiness, explores this rich territory. The film makes a connection between the economic crisis, […]
What was the most sustainable cinema at Sundance 2011?
Grist's Jennifer Prediger set out to see some of the most sustainable selections on the silver screen at Sundance last week.
Angry abandoned tire goes on killing spree (don't worry, it's a movie)
What happens to tires when road rage sets in? Check out the trailer for Rubber, a new movie about a tire that's gone around the bend.
Urbivore’s Dilemma, Weeks 23 & 24: Some unsavory choices
Local, seasonal CSA produce is autumnal cornucopia. It's time for the Urbivore to get roasting -- but what happens when she can't take a turnip and finds her sense of wonder wounded by a worm?