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Articles by Jess Zimmerman

Jess Zimmerman was the editor of Grist List.

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  • The dumbest green bikinis

    As the world heats up, it will be increasingly important to have itty-bitty swimsuits to wear (under your voluminous poncho, of course, once the ozone layer crumbles and turns sunlight to poison). So what swimwear best prepares you for an apocalyptic climate-altered future, while simultaneously being low-impact and sustainable? Whatever, that’s a boring question; here […]

  • 8-year-old environmentalist raises $250 in 12 hours after friends’ parents call her ‘stupid’ for caring

    Reddit is the internet in microcosm — it showcases a lot of gross boneheaded stuff, gives space and succor to every flavor of perversion and bigotry, and is simultaneously full of interesting information, funny quips, and the occasional moment of grace. This story is one of those. Last night, Redditor nervousbreakdown19 wrote that her conscientious […]

  • Plants are secret geniuses

    Annalee Newitz at io9 has collected 10 pieces of evidence that plants are smarter than you think, and it might make you look at your potted ficus in a new light. It turns out there’s reason to believe that plants can communicate, remember, recognize related plants, and measure time. Let’s hope nobody finds out they […]

  • Website shows you your place in the universe (and yes, you are very very small)

    The Scale of the Universe is a web-based Total Perspective Vortex that will make you feel very very small — or very very large — with the swipe of a mouse. You start at the scale of humans/dodos/giant earthworms, and from there you can zoom up to galaxies and down to quarks, or you can […]