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Articles by Jess Zimmerman

Jess Zimmerman was the editor of Grist List.

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  • In five years, you could charge your iPod with a snap of your fingers

    Yeah, sure, if nanotechnology gets out of control it could lead to a scenario where the entire world turns into gray goo. But if it DOESN’T get out of control, it could lead to a scenario where you can charge your iPod by snapping your fingers — or even just with your heartbeat. WORTH IT […]

  • Science bites climate skeptics in the ass on the House floor

    If you’re a climate hawk, or even a climate hobbyist, this graph should look familiar — it’s the warming trend over the last 100-odd years. Except the guy who busted this out at the House climate science hearing yesterday was brought in by the Republicans to debunk global warming. (The black line is his data.) […]

  • Joe Romm of Climate Progress speaks at Tea Party event

    Apparently this isn't even the first time climate blogger Joe Romm has gotten pulled into a Tea Party fantasy. Talk about drinking the Kool-Aid. (Although I don't see any Kool-Aid.) Romm speaks at about 1:29.

  • New line of kitchen appliances will be powered by poo [APRIL FOOLS]

    UPDATE: This is an April Fools' Day post, entirely made up. Your smoothies are safe.

    It might be time to rethink the adage "don't sh*t where you eat." Silicon Valley-based startup Advanced Recycling Concepts (ARC) announced Thursday that it will soon be offering a new line of kitchen appliances powered by poo, following a recent trend of excrement-powered homes, gardens, and streetlights. (We sh*t you not.) The company will be introducing poop-powered blenders, mixers, coffeemakers, and food processors -- which means you might want to pay a little more attention when you whip up that morning protein shake.

    Unlike with the dog-doo streetlights in Cambridge, Mass., owners of these kitchen gadgets won't have to actually handle their own crap in order to reap the electrical benefits. "Understandably there are hygiene concerns, but we want our customers to rest assured that these appliances are not only off the grid, but restaurant-grade in terms of sanitation," said the company’s chief technical officer, Glen Matlock. The idea might sound way out there, but ARC has backing from big-time venture-capital firm Kleiner Perkins.