Articles by Jess Zimmerman
Jess Zimmerman was the editor of Grist List.
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Wanna green your ride? Ditch the Prius, hop on a train
Chart: EPA Here’s one to piss off the yuppies: Driving your hybrid car from your Energy Star home to the food co-op is not as green as hopping on the subway from your apartment. A new EPA study says that moving from a car-oriented to a transit-oriented community has the biggest impact on your energy […]
Romney may be the Koch mule of Campaign 2012
Meet the new boss, whose boss is the same as the old boss’s boss. Looks like David Koch has already hosted a fundraiser for Mitt Romney’s 2012 presidential campaign. Romney has in the past acknowledged the existence of global warming, which is pretty good considering, but now we’re waiting for him to cut and paste […]
Rachel Maddow explains nuclear meltdowns, with props
We did our best to break down what’s happening with Japan’s reactors, but this is some complicated shiz. We need to call in the big guns: A scintillating TV personality with props and a nuclear physicist friend. [vodpod id=Groupvideo.10773502&w=425&h=350&fv=launch%3D42080592%26amp%3Bwidth%3D400%26amp%3Bheight%3D320]
German sustainable energy lobby steps up to fill the nuclear hole
Can we replace fossil fuels without going nuclear? One German company says so. Unlike nuclear power, coal doesn’t have to wait for failed safety features to pollute the groundwater, pollute the air, and make people sick for miles around. So getting off fossil fuels is a priority — but now a lot of people are […]