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Articles by Jess Zimmerman

Jess Zimmerman was the editor of Grist List.

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  • We need to start cleaning up space pollution

    Image: European Space AgencyIt’s not just the Earth we’re junking up. There’s also a ton of man-made space-crud in orbit around the planet. Efforts to keep track of it are falling short — there are an estimated 600,000 pieces of stuff bigger than a centimeter in diameter, and fewer than 20,000 can be tracked — […]

  • Sorry, Eminem: Mass transit creates jobs, not Detroit

    “Did you see what Mother Jones said about this ad? I’m about to cry.”Chrysler’s Super Bowl spot may feature Eminem looking all tough, but here’s one way he’s helping the terrorists win: Compared to mass transit, cars suck at creating jobs. A new report analyzing stimulus spending shows that spending on public transportation and road […]

  • H&M wants the clothes you throw out to be more sustainable

    It’s recycling! I recycled David Byrne’s jacket and Shakespeare’s pants.Is disposable-clothes giant H&M still trying to save face from the time it got caught with its pants down, shredded, and thrown in a dumpster in Herald Square? The clothing company, long a purveyor of one-season clothing for teenyboppers and underpaid professionals, is making a move […]

  • Georgia congressman wants everyone behind the wheel, whether or not they can drive

    Look at him. Could you deny him his God-given rights?Photo: Steven YehGeorgia representative and proven nut Bobby Franklin wants you to know that driver’s licenses are eroding your freedom as we speak, because they impinge on your Constitutional rights. From his Right to Travel Act: Free people have a common law and constitutional right to […]