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Articles by JMG

Let's live on the planet as if we intend to stay.

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  • Summers receieves flack for his tactless pollution-control memo as VP of World Bank in 1991

    As Christopher Robin pulls us down the stairs towards climate chaos — bump! bump! bump! — we might think that there’s something else we could do, if only we could stop bumping for a moment and think about it. That relentless slam to the back of the head is called economics, and it’s used to […]

  • Avego makes ride-sharing a normal reality

    The thing about energy-driven collapse is that it’s uneven — it’s not like the calendar flips back and we all return to having the things we had in the past. Rather, we’re going to have this huge overhang of technology from the peak period of affluence and abundance. Sometimes that’s going to be bad (buildings […]

  • Carbon is forever

    Nature reports that a quarter of CO2 emissions from fossil fuels hang around, essentially, forever. If humanity is to avoid sending the climate into a runaway chaos state, we have to emit far less carbon, fast.

  • Turn your holiday lights into LEDS

    You can recycle your old incandescent holiday lights for a coupon to get safer and much more energy-efficient LEDs here.