Articles by John Upton
John Upton is a reporter at Climate Central.
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Organic farmers lose court battle with Monsanto
Monsanto says on its website that it won't sue organic farmers if trace amounts of its biotech genes wind up in their crops, and a federal court says that's good enough.
EV owners jolted by new taxes
At least 10 states are moving to impose new fees on electric vehicles or hybrids to make up for projected losses in gas-tax revenues.
Boulder and other Colorado cities try to fight fracking
The Boulder City Council unanimously passed a one-year moratorium on fracking, but it and other frack-averse Colorado cities are worried about lawsuits.
Nicaragua may let Chinese company build a canal to rival Panama’s
Nicaragua's president is trying to ram a canal plan through his country's congress in less than two weeks. If successful, it'll create a new link between the Atlantic and Pacific.