Articles by John Upton
John Upton is a reporter at Climate Central.
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What the U.N.’s new climate report says about North America
It's going to get hotter in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico -- and wetter in some spots but drier in others. These graphics tell the story.
U.N. climate report offers lots of bummer news plus a few dollops of encouragement
Global warming will particularly screw over poor countries, says the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. But adaptation is starting to catch on.
A high seas fishing ban scorecard: (Almost) everybody wins
For half the world's oceans, there are no fishing rules. Banning fishing there would boost fisheries closer to shores and make the whole enterprise more sustainable.
States struggling to understand frackquakes
Frackers are making the earth shake, prompting even frack-friendly states to put their heads together to try to figure out how to reduce the risks.