Articles by Kate Sheppard
Kate Sheppard was previously Grist's political reporter. She now covers energy and the environment for The Huffington Post. Follow her on Twitter.
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Overdue federal report acknowledges climate-change realities
Under pressure from a court order, the Bush administration put out a new report on climate change yesterday that comes to the conclusion that “most of the recent global warming is very likely due to human-generated increases in greenhouse gas concentrations.” The report covers familiar (to anyone who’s been paying attention) ground — the impacts […]
Republicans for Environmental Protection explains McCain ranking (or lack thereof)
Republicans for Environmental Protection gave John McCain a “no score” on its just-released 2007 congressional scorecard, as David pointed out earlier. McCain missed all 14 of the votes on which REP scored senators, but the group opted not to give him a zero. Grist called David Jenkins, government affairs director for REP, to find out […]
EDF airs another ad in support of the Climate Security Act
Environmental Defense Fund is running another ad in support of the Lieberman-Warner Climate Security Act, this one in Washington, D.C., and other markets around the country. It features a talking, businessman-shaped candle melting while offering a bunch of the tired excuses one hears about why climate legislation is a bad idea. “Sure, climate change is […]
North Carolina bill would ban burning of coal from mountaintop-removal mining
On Tuesday, North Carolina State Rep. Pricey Harrison introduced legislation in the state House that would ban the burning of coal obtained through mountaintop-removal mining. If it passes, North Carolina would become the first state in the nation with such a law. The mining method isn’t practiced in North Carolina, but 61 percent of the […]