Articles by Kate Sheppard
Kate Sheppard was previously Grist's political reporter. She now covers energy and the environment for The Huffington Post. Follow her on Twitter.
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New report from Apollo Alliance on good green jobs
The Apollo Alliance and Urban Habitat have a new report out today on the coming green economy and the immense job potential for traditionally excluded groups — low-income, heavily minority urban communities. The report sets out a vision for green jobs in the U.S. and outlines the green industries that already exist in the country, […]
New report says federal cleanup program wasting away
Image reprinted with permission from the Center for Public Integrity. A drop-off in both government action and funding has all but stopped the push to clean up America’s most toxic sites, posing health and environmental threats all over the country, according to a comprehensive series of reports released last week by the Center for Public […]
An interview with Julia Russell of the Eco-Home Network
Gristmill commenter Lo Fleming posted a good Q&A with Julia Russell of the Eco-Home Network recently over on her blog. Check it out.
SLC mayor takes on O’Reilly
Our collective BFF Rocky Anderson takes on Bill O’Reilly (not eco-related necessarily, but funny): Demonstrating that, alarmingly, liberals aren’t actually all that kooky. Or irrational. Shocking. (h/t: News Hounds)