Articles by Kate Sheppard
Kate Sheppard was previously Grist's political reporter. She now covers energy and the environment for The Huffington Post. Follow her on Twitter.
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An Inconvenient Truth to show in U.K. schools
Despite getting a frosty reception in U.S. public schools, the (Oscar-nominated) film An Inconvenient Truth will be distributed to every secondary school in the U.K. Environment Secretary David Miliband and Education Secretary Alan Johnson made the announcement last week, citing the film’s ability to illustrate the enormity of the climate crisis without leaving viewers feeling […]
Popping your (organic) cherry
Hello again, fair, broke readers. Sorry to tease you with my column intro and then leave you hungering for more for all these weeks. Your resident brokeass took an unexpected journey to Utah to steal swag from well-heeled, earth-friendly-ish corporations and stalk eco-savvy celebs — and then returned and promptly got sick. So, the long-awaited […]
FY 2008 request out today
Bush’s proposed 2008 budget was released today, coming in at $2.9 trillian trillin trillion. It will surely be picked apart by plenty of people with intelligence and patience I lack. But some key parts: $4.4 billion for research programs including: Coal Research Initiative — A request of $385 million, part of a plan to spend […]
Opinions on the Fourth Assessment Report
Ahem, Scientific American, a few days ago: Global warming skeptics are already gearing up to deconstruct the IPCC report, whatever its conclusions. The Fraser Institute — a Canadian think tank devoted to denying climate change — plans to release its own independent summary on February 5, and conservative Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) has decried the […]