Articles by Kate Sheppard
Kate Sheppard was previously Grist's political reporter. She now covers energy and the environment for The Huffington Post. Follow her on Twitter.
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Naked, warm, angry dudes hold silent protest of global warming
The Coney Island Polar Bear Club staged a silent protest on Saturday, huddled (but not shivering) on the beach in Brooklyn as record temperatures were recorded in New York City and the surrounding region. The high temperatures may lead to the cancellation of this year’s round of nearly-naked nuts running into bodies of water. It […]
Wal-Mart pushes CFLs
Wal-Mart has has started a new campaign to push compact fluorescent light bulbs in their massive retail stores, according to an article published in the New York Times yesterday. Though only a reported 6 percent of homes use CFLs currently, Wal-Mart hopes to sell 100 million of the bulbs each year by 2008. “The environment […]
Washington guv defangs oversight panel
Washington State Governor Christine Gregoire may have announced a major program to clean up the Puget Sound just last week, but this week the tides have, er, turned.
This week, she's planning to limit the power of an independent citizen oversight panel intending to keep an eye on the oil industry -- probably the biggest threat to Sound health.
Navajo protest third coal-fired plant on reservation land
Members of the Navajo Nation and their supporters have been blockading the site of a proposed coal-fired power plant in northwestern New Mexico for more than a week now, hoping to halt construction of what they believe will be a social and ecological disaster.
If completed, the Desert Rock Power Plant will cover 600 acres in the largest American Indian reservation in the nation, and it will be the third coal-fired plant on Navajo land.