Articles by Kate Sheppard
Kate Sheppard was previously Grist's political reporter. She now covers energy and the environment for The Huffington Post. Follow her on Twitter.
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Enviro group settles on campaign finance violation
The Sierra Club has agreed to pay a $28,000 fine to settle charges that the organization violated Federal Election Commission regulations during the 2004 election.
The FEC found that the club's 2004 election brochure contained "express advocacy" which constituted an "independent expenditure" -- making it off-limits for the nonprofit Sierra Club.
Inhofe on the U.N. climate summit
The last gasps of a dying chairmanship: Inhofe weighs in on the U.N. climate summit.
His biggest concern regarding the summit -- which, by the way, he didn't attend -- was a children's book (PDF) on climate change, which Inhofe claims is "brainwashing little kids."
Final count in Ohio may take a while
Also on the "to be determined" front, Ohio's 15th district race between Republican incumbent Deborah Pryce (an LCV Dirty Dozener) and Democrat Mary Jo Kilroy. From AP:
Race bitter to the very end
For anyone still paying attention, the race in New Mexico's 1st Congressional district continues. As of this morning, Republican incumbent Heather Wilson is about 1,487 votes ahead of Democratic challenger and state Attorney General Patrica Madrid.