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Articles by Kate Sheppard

Kate Sheppard was previously Grist's political reporter. She now covers energy and the environment for The Huffington Post. Follow her on Twitter.

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    LCV targets GOP Rep. Roy Blunt of Missouri in new ad

    The League of Conservation Voters is taking a swing at Rep. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) for not supporting climate and energy legislation, accusing him of being short on patriotism. In a new television ad launched on Monday, LCV argues that Blunt does not believe in American ingenuity and the ability to develop new, clean energy sources, […]

  • House Republicans bring strange theories and wacky witnesses to climate hearings

    Democratic leaders in the House are pushing hard to get a comprehensive climate and energy bill passed by summer, with discussion of their draft bill slated to begin this week. But at hearings designed to discuss the particulars of climate policy, Republican representatives and their witnesses have been bogging down the proceedings with skeptical rants […]

  • How to comment on the EPA’s finding that greenhouse gases endanger public health

    Got something to say about the EPA’s finding that greenhouse gases are a threat to public health and welfare?  You’ve got 60 days to speak, or forever hold your peace. Here’s how to submit written comments: Email: Fax: 202.566.1741 Snail mail: Environmental Protection AgencyEPA Docket Center (EPA/DC) Mailcode 6102T Attention Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2009-0171 […]

  • EPA says greenhouse-gas emissions a threat to public health

    Photo: cocovanThe Environmental Protection Agency today said it has determined that planet-warming greenhouse gases pose a danger to public health and welfare. The long-expected finding, set in motion two years ago by a Supreme Court ruling, moves the Obama administration one step closer to regulating carbon dioxide emissions from a number of sources across the […]