Articles by Katharine Wroth
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Building green in Birmingham
“People think a green-constructed home is going to look like a mushroom or have solar panels everywhere. But you won’t be able to look at it and tell it’s a green-constructed home.” — Emmit Stallworth, Alpha Home Builders, Birmingham, Ala.
Empire State Building to get efficiency overhaul
I’ve been wanting for a while to start a column called “Sexy Retrofits,” exploring the idea that the key to green building is overhauling existing buildings, not starting from scratch. Despite what Larry Page might think. It’s not the most glamorous notion, but it is energy efficient, cost effective, and exciting. I swear! So consider […]
Pepsi makes good choices, or at least good PR hires
Dudes, what’s up with Pepsi? In the last few weeks the company has released at least three splashy sustainability stories touting its: testing of green vending machines in D.C. (30 out of 4-5 million, but hey) introduction of Eco-Fina, an Aquafina bottle that uses 50 percent less plastic (still plastic and still bottled water, but […]
Putting organic baby foods to the test
Mmm. When I had my son last year, I wasn’t lulled into thinking his body was a pure, unsullied canvas. I knew that babies are born polluted and that breast milk is full of rocket fuel. Still, it’s nice to maintain the illusion of purity, so as not to go completely insane. So I buy […]