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Articles by Katharine Wroth

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  • Mainstream mags are getting over green

    Pop quiz: Mainstream magazines are ditching the whole “green issue” thing in 2009 because: green is soooo 2006, 2007, and 2008 eh, those issues never sold that well they’re incorporating green into stories on a regular basis, so who needs a special issue in these tough economic times, the sweater-belt budget has shriveled up all […]

  • The light-related news keeps flooding in

    On Thursday GE launched a line of CFLs that look like … wait for it … regular incandescent bulbs! At least one other company (competitor Philips) has tried the clever disguise, but GE says, “No, for real, this one is really small and it really does look like a normal bulb.” Or words to that […]

  • What I heard on the radio blew me away

    I know green has saturated our cultural chatter to the point where it shouldn’t be surprising to hear it mentioned … everywhere. But sometimes I’m still surprised. Like last night: I’m in the car, I’m scanning through the radio, and something catches my ear. And there it is: two DJs shooting the smarmy sh*t about […]

  • Car dealers offering two for the price of one

    It used to be a chicken in every pot. Now it’s two cars in every sale — at least at some Dodge dealers. At a Quebec dealer, buy a Dodge truck and get a Caliber for “free.” In the U.K., a similar deal (bonus: video with fun British accents!). In Miami, buy a four-door pick-up […]