I know green has saturated our cultural chatter to the point where it shouldn’t be surprising to hear it mentioned … everywhere. But sometimes I’m still surprised. Like last night: I’m in the car, I’m scanning through the radio, and something catches my ear. And there it is: two DJs shooting the smarmy sh*t about wind power.
The patter went roughly like this: “So North Dakota is building these, these turbines. They’re smart. We oughta do that. Rhode Island has the ocean, people. We’d have free energy. We’d have free energy and energy left over to sell. And have ya seen those turbines? They’re kinda … mesmerizing. But I’ll tell ya what, we’d have about half the birds we do now. Haw haw haw.”
This on a station known best for classic rock anthems, a station whose website features a “local babe in a thong” photo contest (“You must be a local babe in a thong — no dudes!”). Now that is wicked pissah.