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Articles by Keith Harrington

Keith Harrington is the Maryland/DC Field Director for the Chesapeake Climate Action Network and the Climate and Energy Specialist for the Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy. His writings can also be found on the Huffington Post,, Truthout and

All Articles

  • Against a torrent of oil, a trickle of responsibility

    Of the many things lacking in the response to the BP spill, responsibility ranks pretty high on the list. From President Obama’s reluctance to reverse his decision to expand offshore drilling, to BP’s shameless attempts to play the innocent victim card, and the far right’s attempts to pin the blame on environmentalists, responsible words and […]

  • Tragic oil spill = smarter climate bill?

    Several weeks before President Obama made the tragic decision to approve expanded offshore drilling, ten costal-state senators wrote a letter [PDF] to their colleagues John Kerry (D-Mass.), Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), and Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) pressing the trio to keep expanded offshore drilling out of their now floundering climate and energy package. In the letter, the senators […]

  • State of the Climate Movement: Can fasting and asceticism save the world?

    Despite all the doubts surrounding Copenhagen’s political outcomes, global climate activists can take heart in the fact that the conference may result in the next best thing to a binding climate treaty: a smarter, more galvanized, and re-energized global grassroots climate movement. More than a mere geographical convergence point for our movement, Copenhagen has already […]

  • Why the climate movement needs more Ethiopian-style activists

    Of all the amazing stories that emerged from last month’s historic International Day of Climate Action, the one that really caught my eye (and made my jaw drop in disbelief and admiration) was that of 15,000 Ethiopian students swarming though the streets of Addis Ababa brandishing 350 signs and whooping it up big time in […]