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Articles by Ken Ward

Ken Ward is a climate campaigner and carpenter whose work can be see here.

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  • Response to “Death”: Part II

    Today we present Part II of Ken Ward's response to "The Death of Environmentalism," in which he argues that greens should reject the political position embedded in Lakoff's framing analysis -- namely, that environmentalism is just one more single-issue liberal group. Rather, the green movement should preserve its ability to speak across the left/right divide and focus on mobilizing and energizing its core supporters.

    Don't forget to read Part I, and Part III, Part IV, and Part V.

  • Response to “Death”: Part I

    We're going to try a little experiment here. Recently we received a response to "The Death of Environmentalism" from longtime green activist Ken Ward. We're going to publish it here in the blog, in sections -- one section a day, throughout the week.

    In today's introduction, Ken agrees with The Reapers about the problems facing the green movement, but calls their proposed solution "foolishness." Your responses are welcome in comments.

    Don't forget to read Part II, Part III, Part IV, and Part V.