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Articles by Lisa Hymas

Lisa Hymas is director of the climate and energy program at Media Matters for America. She was previously a senior editor at Grist.

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    Scarlett Johansson tells GOP to lay off Planned Parenthood [VIDEO]

    Before the budget deal was hammered out last week, Scarlett Johansson made this video in defense of Planned Parenthood. As it turned out, funding for the group’s health-care services escaped the guillotine — this time around. President Obama put his foot down after hearing from a lot of pissed-off Americans. Though the immediate threat has […]

  • Mitch Daniels has quacky climate views a la Michael Crichton

    Mitch Daniels takes on the “climate change theocracy”Photo: Indiana Public MediaIndiana Gov. Mitch Daniels says he’ll decide by April 29 whether to run for the Republican presidential nomination. While he’s pondering his prospects, let us ponder his views on climate change. Turns out they’re a lot weirder than you thought. It’s well-known that Daniels has […]

  • Buy green sex toys, help support Grist

    You can’t get pregnant, or get anyone else pregnant, by playing with yourself — good to note in this year of 7 billion. That’s why Grist loves vibrators. We recommend you pick up a green one — or three. If you like to combine your sex toys with potentially pregnancy-inducing activities, we recommend you pick […]

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    ‘Let’s talk about sex’ — and what American teenagers don’t know about it [VIDEO]

    “Every day in America, 10,000 teenagers catch an STD, 2,400 young girls become pregnant, and 55 young people are infected with HIV.” Those sobering stats are from a documentary airing on TLC tonight, April 9, at 10 p.m. / 9 central. Let’s Talk About Sex is directed by James Houston, a fashion photographer who came […]