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Articles by Miles Grant

Miles Grant blogs for the National Wildlife Federation

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  • Inhofe "Inception"

    The National Wildlife Federation Climate Capsule team’s favorite summer movie was Inception. It got us to thinking, what if you could enter the dreams of Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-OK), Big Oil’s MVP? Also this week — updates on tar sands, heat waves & a climate denier’s flip-flop. Watch this week’s NWF Climate Capsule! (Don’t worry […]

  • Groups: Gas must be included in Gulf disaster tally

    The National Wildlife Federation has been a leader in pressing the federal government to hold BP and other parties fully accountable for the Gulf disaster. While attention has been focused on the oil spilled, NWF joined NRDC today in writing a letter [PDF] to Eric Holder, asking the U.S. attorney general to also consider the […]

  • 2010's extreme heat: A window on our future

    According to a new National Wildlife Federation report, the sweltering summer of 2010 could be considered mild compared to the typical summers of the future.

  • Making monkeys out of climate deniers

    What can spider monkeys, peacocks, ostriches & sheep tell us about global warming & the climate debate on Capitol Hill? With the Senate dropping the ball on climate action & global temperatures continuing to soar, this week’s climate news is pretty depressing. So Dirty the Global Warming Denier Sock Puppet & I decided to break […]