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Articles by Sarah Goodyear

Sarah Goodyear has written about cities for a variety of publications, including Grist and Streetsblog. She lives in Brooklyn. She's also on Twitter.

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  • Traffic-snarled LA goes bike-wild with 1,600 miles of lanes

    The Backbone Bikeway Network proposed by the L.A. Bike Working Group was incorporated into the city’s master plan for 1,680 miles of new bike lanes.Graphic: LA Bike Working GroupThe cab driver who cut off Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa when the mayor was riding his bicycle last year may have done the city a huge […]

  • Hit by cars, pedestrians are ticketed in hospital [VIDEO]

    Imagine that you get hit by a car when you’re trying to cross a busy road in a place where you can’t even see the nearest crosswalk. You’re airlifted to a hospital for treatment of your injuries. And before you leave, you get a traffic ticket. Yes, that really happened. You can hear people talk […]

  • George Will thinks that high-speed rail is really a tool to control your mind

    Mind control machine.Photo: Sylvain LatoucheHave you been thinking there’s something fishy about the Obama administration’s insistence that high-speed rail is part of America’s transportation future? Why is it that the president keeps pushing forward with expensive plans to link the country’s major urban centers with these train things, even as Republican governors shovel back the […]

  • Car plows through Critical Mass ride in Brazil

    “It was not an accident!”Graphic: Massa CríticaLast week I wrote a post asking the question, “Why do people in cars hate people on bikes so much?” On Friday night in Porto Alegre, Brazil, there was a horrific manifestation of the type of rage I was referring to. During a peaceful Critical Mass ride on the […]