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Articles by Sarah K. Burkhalter

Sarah K. Burkhalter is Grist's project manager.

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  • From Battle to Bourdain

    Talk about a motley crew Dr. Feelgood and hip-hopper Ludacris want to stand up (when they move, you move — just like that) and fight for Battleground Earth, an eco-reality competition that will pit the musicians against each other. Luda to Lee: “Move bitch, get out the way!” Photo: John Shearer/ Wheel of footin’ Can’t […]

  • Sports continue to ‘go green’

    It’s everyone’s favorite time: sports roundup time! And our sport-by-sport structure worked so well last time, perhaps we should try it again. Basketball: Three of the four teams in the NCAA Final Four — UCLA, North Carolina, and Memphis — are signatories to the American College & University Presidents Climate Commitment. Get with the program, […]

  • From Comeback to Cocktails

    How I met your popster This week, Britney stripped for charity after a TV appearance, Jon Bon Jovi offset his world tour, and Amy Wino agreed to “say no, no, no” at a new human-powered club. It’s official: Green is the new comeback. Photo: Jeffrey Mayer/ Bad to the bone saw We’re all about the […]

  • From Emo to Ego

    Thnks fr th GHGs What will be the fallout from Pete Wentz and Co.’s green-themed flight to Antarctica? Tons of carbon, a Guinness record — and, quite possibly, emo copypenguins. Photo: iStockphoto Against the grain Young McHipster has a farm, e-i-e-i-o. And on her farm, she has organic produce, e-i-e-i-o. With a CSA here, and […]