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Articles by Sarah K. Burkhalter

Sarah K. Burkhalter is Grist's project manager.

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  • From Dancing to Dumping

    Crappy feet Violence! Homosexuality! Anti-Christianity! Environmentalism! Beware the dangerous propaganda lurking in the “darkest, most disturbing feature-length animated film ever offered by a major studio.” (That, friends, is what we like to call a tap smear.) Photo: © Warner Bros. Pictures Bear ass Endangered giant pandas of the female persuasion are ready to mate for […]

  • Skiing, soccer, and motor racing, oh my!

    Goodness. Sometimes this dashing (lovely?) sportswriter must resort to reeeally stretching to make a sports-environment connection; sometimes, the eco-athletics news springs up faster than you can, um, [insert your sports analogy of choice here].

  • It’s depressing.

    The Los Angeles Times today concluded a four-part series (with photos) on uranium mining on 27,000 square miles of Navajo lands in Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah.

    It's a depressing, but interesting, read.

  • I’m having a pessimistic day

    Sometimes I am amazed at the stories that come to light about the duplicity, dishonesty, and plain old inadequacy of politicians and industries. OK, not amazed. Perhaps outraged. What really gets my goat (ha! Did I really just say "gets my goat"?) is that these stories show up in the MSM, and are read, and I'm sure people are amazed/outraged, and then ... what? Then nothing, that's what. We go back to staring out the window at the rain.

    To wit: