Articles by Sarah Miller
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They’re genetically modifying goats to create human breast milk substitute
You know that human breast milk is very important for babies’ development. (If you don’t know this, go ostentatiously bottle-feed a baby doll near a farmers market! It will be fun, I promise.) But for various reasons, sometimes new moms can’t breastfeed — they need medication that shows up in breast milk, for instance, or […]
Number of bees in Queens man’s yard exceeds population of Queens
New York legalized beekeeping in 2010, but that does not mean that it was cool with city officials when they discovered that a guy in Queens named Yi Gin Chen had 45 beehives in his yard, containing 3 million bees. That’s more bees than there are people who live in Queens.
A single sticker turns your bus commute into a monster rampage
All the monster sticker needs is a window on a moving tram or bus. The goal: Move your head so that the monster eats the heads of people (or dogs) that you pass.
Threatened sea lions are being killed off to save threatened fish
This is a pretty complicated Sophie’s Choice-esque eco-problem brewing in the Columbia River at the base of the Bonneville Dam, in the Pacific Northwest. California sea lions are protected. But they eat Chinook salmon and steelhead, which are also protected. So, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has given the states of Washington and Oregon permission to […]