Articles by Scott Rosenberg
Scott Rosenberg was Grist's executive editor. He's the author of Say Everything and Dreaming in Code, founder of and co-founder of He covered technology for a decade and wrote theater and film reviews for another decade, and has yet to resolve the resulting left-brain/right-brain conflict.
All Articles
Health-care reform: Collective solutions and the individualist tantrum
As the Supreme Court debates health-care reform, what's at stake? Our collective capacity to solve any of the big complex problems we face, that's what.
The new Climate Desk: Getting hotter
The Climate Desk collaborators -- Grist is one -- unveil a spiffy new website and welcome the Guardian into their ranks.
Help Grist build a Fast Green News Machine
We're planning a neat experiment in real-time news aggregation and cyborg journalism. But we can't do it without you!
Mr. Daisey and the fact factory
Mike Daisey's lies about Apple on This American Life don't only hurt him, they hurt the workers he aimed to help -- and teach us a big lesson about truth and trust.