Articles by Steph Larsen
Steph Larsen lives in Lyons, Nebraska, where she and her partner are "part-time farmers," growing food for themselves and their community. Steph holds a master's degree in geography from her home state of Wisconsin and serves on the board of the Women, Food and Agriculture Network.
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Herding sheep is like herding people: Desire works better than fear
Moving my sheep into their barn for the winter has me thinking woolly thoughts about flocks of various kinds.
Time to kill the rooster
There’s a chore I’ve been putting off for some time, that I know will be one of the more unpleasant things I’ve encountered so far on our little farm. It’s time to thin my chicken flock.
Waiting for a hard frost
Reflections at the end of a Midwestern growing season.
Conserving while preserving: Energy and food storage
I've been canning, freezing, and dehydrating summer's bounty to enjoy in winter. But it bothers me that all these methods use substantial amounts of electricity. Readers, help me out?