Articles by Tom Philpott
Tom Philpott was previously Grist's food writer. He now writes for Mother Jones.
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Industrial ag once again demanding free pass to crap in your backyard
What do vast polluting chicken factories on the Chesapeake Bay and genetically modified alfalfa have in common? In both cases, industrial agriculture is freely admitting that it needs to trash its neighbors and surrounding ecosystems to thrive.
Why Mexico is such a mess
Tufts researcher Tim Wise argues that U.S. involvement in the Mexico meltdown goes beyond our role as ultimate consumer of its drugs -- basically, NAFTA plus corn dumping equals an economic void filled by the narco trade.
My 5 best meals on the road in 2010
Over the past year, I've had terrific meals at unique, local-minded restaurants from Austin to Seattle. The holiday lull has given me the chance to write paeans to my faves.
EPA swats away controversy over bee-killing pesticide
Echoing Bayer, the EPA has issued a limp response to the brouhaha over its approval of clothianidin, Bayer's blockbuster and potentially bee-killing pesticide. The agency still has a lot of hard questions to answer.