Articles by Tom Philpott
Tom Philpott was previously Grist's food writer. He now writes for Mother Jones.
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Another salmonella egg recall from a DeCoster-related company
He's ba-ack! In fact, he never went away. Most of Jack DeCoster's Iowa egg operations still can't sell fresh eggs to the public, but that hasn't prevented his Ohio operation from getting embroiled in another salmonella recall.
In praise of fast food
Yes, cooking is wonderful, and so is communal eating with family and friends. But there's something powerful about standing up in a crowded cityscape and eating something simple and delicious that has been cooked before your eyes.
What the midterms mean for federal ag-policy reform
That two-headed beast known as the Congressional Ag Committees got a major blood transfusion from voters Tuesday. Here's how it shook out -- and what to expect going forward.
Wanted: Your informed opinions on the food-safety reform bill
We've invited a kitchenful of food-policy experts to discuss whether the Food Safety Modernization Act will make eaters safer without shoving small producers off a cliff. Wanna pull up a chair and chew over the issues?