Articles by Tom Philpott
Tom Philpott was previously Grist's food writer. He now writes for Mother Jones.
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Organic-farming movement sprouts in China
Just as our own sustainable food revolution didn't take place until we had nearly driven all of our small farms into penury, China is evidently feeling the stirrings of a backlash against the industrialization of food.
Like your dinner, your gadgets come from somewhere
While writing about food politics on my Dell "Latitude" laptop, I often daydream about a sleek new MacBook Air or MacBook Pro. (And an iPad, and maybe an iPhone.) Or at least I did -- until I read about the conditions of the workers who make them. Why do we spend so much time thinking about where our food comes from, while ignoring the origins of the latest tech craze?
Playing squash: my tweak of an iconic fall soup
A massive fall harvest at Maverick Farms a few years back forced me to combine butternut squash, leafy greens, and garlic into one satisfying bowl.
Senate ag committee chair is opening up. Who's in line?
Blanche Lincoln, chair of the Senate agriculture committee, is headed for defeat. You won't catch me shedding tears over her exit, but who will replace her in this key role? A Big Ag politician, or one who might support Farm Bill reform?