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Articles by Tom Philpott

Tom Philpott was previously Grist's food writer. He now writes for Mother Jones.

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  • Me, on Edible Radio

    Sometimes when I’m interviewed on the radio, it’s really awkward. The interviewer doesn’t know or understand the topic and asks a senseless question; or I have five seconds to construct the perfect soundbite and flub it; sometimes both. Other times, I get an interlocutor who’s immersed in the topic, puts me at ease, gives me […]

  • Watch Yes Men stick it to Archer Daniels Midland

    Davos Annual Meeting 2010 – ADM CEO Patricia Woertz from World Economic Forum on Vimeo The Yes Men, in their infinite genius, managed to get this on to the World Economic Forum site. Sigh. I heart the Yes Men.

  • EPA capitulates on ethanol, hearts clean coal

    Expect to see a lot more of this kind of thing. The press release could have come straight out of the utterly disgraced Bush EPA–and if it had, I can well imagine the howls of outrage it would have provoked, because I would have joined the chorus. Its headline read as follows: “Obama Announces Steps […]

  • With climate legislation flat on its back, Collin Peterson goes in for the kill

    Collin Peterson, right: plowing over attempts to reign in greenhouse gas emissions. House ag committee chair Collin Peterson (D-Minn.) spent much of last summer gutting the Waxman-Markey climate change bill. Before the legislative process started, Peterson and his allies had made sure that the legislation would place no cap on greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture. […]