Articles by Tom Philpott
Tom Philpott was previously Grist's food writer. He now writes for Mother Jones.
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Thick as a foggy, drizzly night: smoky-spicy split peas
In Tom’s Kitchen, Grist’s food editor discusses some of the quick-and-easy things he gets up to in, well, his kitchen. He thinks the column name sucks–please help him rename it. Email ideas to tphilpott[at]grist[dot]org. He apologizes for the lame iPhone photography. ———- Photo: Tom PhilpottIt’s been a rough winter up here in these North Carolina […]
Why you should go see ‘Fantastic Mr. Fox’
“I’ve got an idea”: Mr. Fox and friends fight the power. I’m writing a post that I shouldn’t have to write: a plea to get you, political-minded foodie that you are, to go to whatever lengths necessary to see Fantastic Mr. Fox. How do I know you haven’t? Because the box-office numbers stink: the film […]
A video for the Gourmet-nostalgic
For those nostalgic for Gourmet Magazine, a group in which I count myself, here’s a kind of cheerful wake: a video symposium (impossible to embed, damn it) on the fallen magazine featuring editor Ruth Reichl, restaurant critic Jonathan Gold, and senior editor Laurie Ochoa. Watch it and chuckle a bit at the earnestness, and weep […]
Why are libertarian right wingers defending a dysfunctional, state-engineered food system?
Such scenes would not be possible without government policies that encourage cheap corn. Why do conservatives fetishize indsustrial food, again? Wikimedia commonsBack in 2002, in the right-wing National Review, Rod Dreher declared the rise of the “crunchy cons” — political conservatives who had come to value alternative food systems and reject the dreck served up […]