Sure, there's a tool for finding the apartment with, say, the most bars in walking range. But eventually you're going to need to go to work, and if your commute is miserable, even having a bar for every day of the month won't save you. (Though it'll help.) Luckily, the Walk Score guys have put together a new tool that lets you search for an apartment based on how long it'll take you to get there from work.

You enter your workplace and choose your preferred time — up to an hour, because you're not insane, are you? — and mode of transportation, and the new site will tell you how far you can get in that time and show you apartments in that range. (It looks like it incorporates data from Mapnificent, which we wrote about a few months ago. UPDATE: Nope, just looks identical for some reason.) It's basically the "if you lived here, you'd be home by now" tool. 

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