Secret twins, surprise pregnancies, shared … park-and-ride lots? It’s all part of As the Bus Stops, a public transit marketing campaign by Triangle Transit:

Serving Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill in North Carolina, Triangle Transit correctly figures that forbidden love, cheesy dialogue, and swelling music is the best way to tell people about bus advantages. Like the Bus on Shoulder System (BOSS): It allows buses to pass standstill freeway traffic on the shoulder — but will it get Erika to Prescott’s wedding in time?

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Triangle Transit’s real-time bus arrival app can make sure you don’t miss the bus, but it can’t help you if you’re late for … YOUR PERIOD:

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According to WUNC, Triangle Transit communications staff Lauren Parker and Damien Graham dreamt up As the Bus Stops to make news about transit features more accessible and engaging. There are three episodes so far and two more on the way. We hope this ride lasts a long, long time.

h/t Shaunacy Ferro