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Non-starter: Republican transportation bill is dead on arrival
Republican leaders in the House of Representatives, seemingly intent on driving the country into a ditch, have thrown together a “uniquely terrible” transportation bill. A growing chorus of critics says the legislation is far from roadworthy.
Glamour trip: Real snobs don’t ride the subway
When conjuring the image of liberal high society, Newt Gingrich often points to the subway. His compadres in Congress want to obliterate designated funding for mass transit. Here’s the real reason they hate trains.
Build a side-by-side bicycle for Valentine’s Day
Nothing says “I love you” like a bicycle that forces you and your partner to cooperate to the point of absurdity, so Instructables user Carlitos has posted specs for a bike modification that places two riders side by side. If you have access to a welder and a good source of junker bike parts, you […]
House transit bill so bad even Republicans don’t like it
The transportation bill currently making its way through the House of Representatives sure does suck. It strips funds from safe streets projects and public transit, and dumps that money on highways instead. Which is all more or less what we’ve come to expect of GOP-sponsored bills — except this one’s so bad it’s even alienating […]
In France, cyclists can run red lights legally
Sometimes France is so fricking enlightened it hurts. Lawmakers recently decided to allow “cyclists in some cities to disregard red lights at certain intersections,” Treehugger writes. Paris will be testing the idea at 15 intersections, and Bordeaux, Strasbourg, and Nantes have been running the same experiment for a while. If the pilot goes well, 1,700 […]
The Prius C: Not a swan, but a damn fine duck
Meet the newest addition to the Prius family, and find out how well it performs.
Why do we suck at building subways?
At Salon, Will Doig asks why American public transit projects have decades-long time lines, while in China, new transit projects open in a heartbeat. And as Matt Yglesias points out, American transit projects are also more expensive than comparable build-outs in other big, rich cities, like London. So what’s our problem?
This guy doesn’t get off his bike for ANYTHING
Anyone can commute on a bike. Only filmmaker Guillaume Blanchet also sleeps, showers, cooks, eats, shops, and dates without getting off his favorite two-wheeled conveyance.
Did NYPD falsify account of cyclist’s death?
In October of 2011, a truck hit and killed artist Mathieu Lefevre while he was biking in Brooklyn. Since then, Lefevre’s family and their lawyers have been trying to find out what exactly happened that night. The NYPD’s investigation includes descriptions of surveillance footage showing Lefevre trying to pass a truck on the right. But […]
LeBron James bikes to work
The Miami Heat star was avoiding a traffic jam when an alert Twitter user snapped his picture.