On the heels of last week’s apparent defeat of the proposed Hoosac Wind project in mountainous Western Massachusetts due to environmental (wetland) concerns, Massachusetts’ new governor has put his voice behind further offshore wind projects. The timing is interesting.

We already knew Governor Patrick supports Cape Wind, the final permitting for which is now up to the feds. Details are sketchy yet on what he proposes for further offshore projects, but it sounds like an unofficial rebuttal to the state arbitration panel’s decision that the Department of Environmental Protection didn’t do its job on the Hoosac proposal. And maybe they didn’t, but it’s another interesting situation, where bureaucrats again hold the power over the scientists.

To get a further appreciation for what goes on behind the scenes when big wind projects are proposed, I suggest the new book Cape Wind: Money, Celebrity, Class, Politics and the Battle for Our Energy Future on Nantucket Sound. It’s highly entertaining, if slanted toward the pro-wind side, and would be a great read if/when you find yourself on a (nicely windy) beach this summer.

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