The world’s most badass bike anthem
No matter what kind of tough customer you are, you will probably love this profane and catchy paean to biking.
Oh, no big deal, just a LIVE PENGUIN CAM
SeaWorld San Diego set up a live cam starring 300 penguins.
Adorable video will make you feel bad for power plants
This video of collapsing power plant cooling towers is supposed to make you want to celebrate the victory of renewable energy over large power companies that run on fossil fuels. And it does! Sort of. But the cooling towers are so adorable that you feel kind of bad for rooting against them. Couldn’t they have […]
Insanely catchy song urges you to poop in a bucket
Pooping in a bucket might not save the world, but this is definitely going to be stuck in your head for a while.
Mitt Romney ‘sings’ ‘America the Beautiful,’ ironically
Mitt Romney really likes “America the Beautiful,” as he says in this video compiled by ThinkProgress, but it’s not clear what he likes about it. It’s not the music, since he obviously has no fidelity to that. It’s not the message, which is all about purple mountains and fruited plains, which Romney’s oil-greedy policies would […]
This guy doesn’t get off his bike for ANYTHING
Anyone can commute on a bike. Only filmmaker Guillaume Blanchet also sleeps, showers, cooks, eats, shops, and dates without getting off his favorite two-wheeled conveyance.
Kristen Bell loses her mind over a sloth
OK, real talk for a second? This is almost certainly how I would react if a sloth came to my birthday party:
Stunning time-lapse video of Yosemite
Especially if you don’t have a window in your office — but honestly, even if you do — you want to watch this time-lapse video of sunsets, sunrises, and meteor showers in Yosemite National Park. [vimeo 35396305]
Obama sings his support for Green causes
We guessed from his first campaign ad that President Obama was going to be vocal about clean energy this election, but we didn’t realize he was going to go full-on Green: