Care about the forest? Here’s what you can do
Who cares about the forest? That’s the question author/artist Franke James explores in this creative personal story commissioned by the Forest Stewardship Council of Canada. Check out the visual essay below, or watch it as an animated video.
Scarlett Johansson tells GOP to lay off Planned Parenthood [VIDEO]
Before the budget deal was hammered out last week, Scarlett Johansson made this video in defense of Planned Parenthood. As it turned out, funding for the group’s health-care services escaped the guillotine — this time around. President Obama put his foot down after hearing from a lot of pissed-off Americans. Though the immediate threat has […]
‘Let’s talk about sex’ — and what American teenagers don’t know about it [VIDEO]
“Every day in America, 10,000 teenagers catch an STD, 2,400 young girls become pregnant, and 55 young people are infected with HIV.” Those sobering stats are from a documentary airing on TLC tonight, April 9, at 10 p.m. / 9 central. Let’s Talk About Sex is directed by James Houston, a fashion photographer who came […]
FX’s ‘Justified’ features mountaintop-removal mining controversy [VIDEO]
One of the best new shows to hit TV in years is Justified, on FX. For one thing, it’s got one of my favorite actors, Timothy Olyphant, doing a variation on the strong, silent, badass type he played in Deadwood — this time as a U.S. marshal. Timothy Olyphant on FX’s Justified. Justified is about […]
Me, talking about the Clean Energy Standard [VIDEO]
Last week, I sat down for an interview with EnergyNow about the Clean Energy Standard that Obama introduced during his State of the Union. Senate Energy Committee Chair Jeff Bingaman (D-N.M.) and ranking member Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) recently put out a white paper soliciting ideas for how the policy should be constructed. In the first […]
Is MTV the best method of teen birth control?
Believe it or not, MTV appears to be inspiring teenagers to avoid pregnancy — yes, the very same network that glamorizes not just rap and rock ‘n’ roll but sex, drugs, and debauchery. In 2009, MTV launched the documentary series 16 and Pregnant, which shows the gritty reality of life as a young expectant parent. […]
They have sex — and they need Planned Parenthood [VIDEO]
College students tell it straight about the need for Planned Parenthood: Choice bits from the video: We want to stay educated and safe and plan for our own futures.Planned Parenthood costs $75 million.Tax breaks for oil companies cost $2.5 BILLION.…Cut corporate welfare.Cut corporate entitlements.Save Planned Parenthood. They’re right that the federal government allocates $75 million […]
As we head toward 7 billion, what does a typical person look like?
Here’s the latest video from National Geographic‘s year-long series on population (set to music that’s got me feeling all jittery and peppy): The gist: The most typical person on the planet is a 28-year-old Han Chinese man; there are more than 9 million such chaps living right now. Here’s what he looks like: Also as […]
Hey, enviros, greens, climate hawks — we all need to stand up for Planned Parenthood
A society is not sustainable if women don’t have basic control over their fertility. That’s just fundamental, a no-brainer. So the ongoing Republican assault war blitzkrieg on women’s reproductive rights and Planned Parenthood specifically should enrage anyone who cares about a sustainable future — and propel us off our asses. This isn’t just an attack […]