“The Goode Family,” a new cartoon, makes enviros cringe
As promised, The Goode Family, a new cartoon from the King of the Hill folks, is “an animated caricature of every Whole-Foods-shopping, hybrid-driving, African-orphan-adopting, vegan-dog-having do-gooder you’ve ever met.” Find out what’s so funny about trying to be Goode when the show premieres May 27 on ABC. Here’s a trailer:
Dingell joins Republicans in calling cap-and-trade an ‘energy tax’
It’s not just Republicans who are calling a cap-and-trade program a tax. “Nobody in this country realizes that cap-and-trade is a tax, and a great big one,” Rep. John Dingell (D-Mich.) said at last Friday’s hearing with Al Gore on the House climate bill. Dingell, who until last November chaired the Energy and Commerce Committee, […]
Rep. Michele Bachmann says CO2 is ‘a natural byproduct of nature’
We’ve heard Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) rant about cap-and-trade in the past. Last week, on Earth Day, she attempted a scientific explanation of why carbon dioxide is not a problem. “Carbon dioxide is a natural byproduct of nature!” she said. Carbon dioxide is natural. It occurs in Earth. It is a part of the regular […]
Tennessee rep accuses Gore of trying to profit from climate bill
One of the more, uh, interesting moments from Friday’s climate hearings in the House was this exchange between Al Gore and Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), who suggested that Gore would profit from a cap-and-trade bill. Here’s the video, via TPM, and a transcription follows: Blackburn: I think it’s really important that no suspicion or shadow […]
Progressive coalition spends $250,000 on ads for a green energy bill
A coalition of labor, environmental, and progressive groups is putting up a quarter of a million dollars for a TV ad campaign promoting national clean-energy and climate legislation. The ad (watch it below), which will air on national cable and prime-time network TV for at least the next week, calls on Congress to pass an […]
Rep. Shimkus says climate bill is worse than two wars and terrorist attack
Via ThinkProgress, here’s video of Rep. John Shimkus (R-Ill.) claiming at Wednesday’s House hearing that the Waxman-Markey climate bill is “largest assault on democracy and freedom in this country that I’ve ever experienced. I’ve lived through some tough times in Congress — impeachment, two wars, terrorist attacks. I fear this more than all of the […]
Joe Barton tries to stump Steven Chu with question about where oil comes from
Rep. Joe Barton (R-Texas), a climate skeptic with some wacky theories of his own, tried to stump Energy Secretary Steven Chu at Wednesday’s climate-bill hearing by asking, “How did all the oil and gas get to Alaska and under the Arctic Ocean?” Later, Barton bragged via Twitter, “I seemed [sic] to have baffled the Energy […]
The Daily Show’s Lewis Black on Earth Day and Kids
Lewis Black deconstructed Earth Day children’s programming on last night’s The Daily Show, including a great jab at actor / MTV Cribs balla’ Wilmer Valderrama. Enjoy. [vodpod id=Video.16193036&w=600&h=350&fv=autoPlay%3Dfalse]
LCV targets GOP Rep. Roy Blunt of Missouri in new ad
The League of Conservation Voters is taking a swing at Rep. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) for not supporting climate and energy legislation, accusing him of being short on patriotism. In a new television ad launched on Monday, LCV argues that Blunt does not believe in American ingenuity and the ability to develop new, clean energy sources, […]