New report suggests that half of U.S. states could meet their energy needs with in-state resources
The New Rules Project just released a comprehensive new report containing some interesting results: The data in this report, while preliminary, suggest that at least half of the fifty states could meet all their internal energy needs from renewable energy generated inside their borders, and the vast majority could meet a significant percentage. And these […]
Obama’s inner circle
This isn’t really eco-related, but it strikes me as an amazing historical artifact so I’m sharing it. This is an interview with Obama’s close circle of advisers, conducted less than two hours after the election results were announced, 04 Nov 2008: Their obvious affection, for one another and for their candidate, is astonishing to anyone […]
Al Gore discusses energy and Obama
Here’s a Current video interview with Al Gore, with questions selected via Digg, in which he discusses — among other things — “clean coal,” Obama’s energy plan, and whether he’d accept top slot at EPA: (thanks LL!)
New New Deal
The Campaign for America’s Future on the possibility of a new New Deal:
E-waste scandal on 60 Minutes
60 Minutes will be airing a segment on the global toxic trade in e-waste tonight. Here’s a preview story and video.
William Shatner speaks out against global warming
And again I say: Shatner!