Got a question for Majority Leader Harry Reid?
Brave New Films is starting a web series called “Meet the Bloggers,” where Internet commentators get to ask questions of political types. It’s like “Meet the Press,” but with better questions from folks who spend all day in the weeds on this stuff. The series launched last week, and today’s episode features Senate Majority Leader […]
Grist talks to Alaska Democratic Senate candidate Mark Begich
Anchorage’s Democratic mayor, Mark Begich, is challenging Republican incumbent Ted Stevens for his Senate seat this November. Begich, 46, is in his fifth year as mayor, and is the city’s first mayor actually born in Anchorage. In a state that’s already feeling the effects of a warming planet, Begich lists climate change as a top […]
Grist talks to Speaker Nancy Pelosi about climate and energy politics on the Hill
For House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), any action on climate change hinges on Barack Obama winning the White House this fall. Only the bully-pulpit of the presidency can hope to overcome the deep pockets of the “agents of the status quo,” Pelosi said Saturday in a conversation with Grist. Pelosi came to the Netroots gathering […]
Chatting with Al Gore and Jim Hightower at Netroots Nation
Our partners at were able to snag a few quick interviews with notable Netroots Nation attendees Al Gore and former Texas Agriculture Commissioner, author, radio host, and activist Jim Hightower. Here’s what Gore had to say about why climate and environment action should be a bipartisan effort: And here’s Hightower on what should be […]
New McCain ad blames Obama for rising gas prices
GOP presidential candidate John McCain released a new television ad today, “Pump,” which puts the blame for rising gas prices on Democrat Barack Obama. “Who can you thank for rising prices at the pump?” the ad asks, as a photo of Obama appears on screen, and a crowd shouts, “Obama, Obama!” “One man knows we […]
Grist talks to San Francisco mayor Gavin Newsom about greening the city
San Francisco mayor Gavin Newsom stopped by Netroots Nation on Sunday to introduce Van Jones, and he also talked to the crowd about some of the green accomplishments his city has been able to make so far. Newsom has proposed the toughest building standards in the country, and in November 2008 he was planning to […]
Grist/ talks to bloggers about how to address the climate and energy challenge
A few more blogger-on-the-street interviews from Netroots Nation. Here’s blogger Liane Allen, who writes at DailyKos and Green Mountain Daily, on climate, energy, and the netroots: Here’s blogger Natasha Chart, who writes at Pacific View: Here’s Gus Ayer of California: And Ilyse Hogue of, who also blogs at Huffington Post:
Lessig and Netroots folks on climate change
We’re still here at Netroots Nation in Austin, Texas, where Stanford Law School professor and internet guru Lawrence Lessig just noted that climate change is the “most important public policy issue we will face in this generation.” He also talked up Al Gore, referring to himself as a “Gore-ophile.” Lessig recently launched Change Congress, which […]